OS Basics & Linux Track

Week 1

Note : For virtual box you need to have atleast 2 GB of free ram and 40 gb of hard drive space if not then you can use AWS or git bash (for basic commands)

Week 2

NOTE : Atleast spend 1 Hour everyday with Your linux Distro by working on it coding on it

Week 3

TASK : install Apache and host a simple webpage , use kill command to kill the Apache process.

Week 4

Note : If you are a beginner and survived so far then you are a warrior and this is going to be Exhilarating😈😈😈😈😈

PS : You know I am not a bad guy so here is a cheat sheet for you and a book also you can follow any tutorial of your choice but make sure you cover all these topics


Cheat Sheet - https://www.guru99.com/linux-commands-cheat-sheet.html
Book - http://bit.ly/linux-book-cheatsheet
Linux Essentials